Contrary to popular perception, there are more assaults in hospitals than in any other industry. Long-term care facilities are also major sites for assaults. Health care as a whole has by far the most assaults that result in lost time injuries – far, far more than any other sector. Assaults in hospitals and LTC are overwhelmingly on women, and they are increasing over time. Health care support jobs have seen almost half of all the assaults on health care staff. Health care support jobs are now the occupation with the most assaults resulting in lost time injuries - - far more than police and firefighters combined. Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) data on approved lost time claims for violent assaults shows that hospital employees have more approved lost time injury claims for assaults than any other industry. With 2,459 over 2011-2019 that is 10% of the total lost time injuries for assaults and 44% more than...
Notes from Leftwords -- Doug Allan