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Showing posts with the label Budget

The hospital crisis: No capacity, no plan, no end

While Canada has achieved universal public healthcare coverage, that does not mean conservative forces have given up trying to erode that coverage and expand corporate care where it does not currently exist. The battle has become particularly intense in Ontario under the Ford Progressive Conservative government, which is implementing serious cuts to the level of care and moving to bring in for-profit mini-hospitals. Inadequate Staffing.   Less and less of hospital spending is on staff.   Employee compensation as a share of hospital expenditures has consistently shrunk in Ontario. This is not some immutable law of hospital development.  It is in stark contrast with the rest of Canada, where compensation has become a larger share and now accounts for 67.1%. Hospitals in provinces other than Ontario now have 18 percent more staff per capita than hospitals in Ontario. Overall, if Ontario had the same staffing capacity as the other provinces and territories, there would be another...

Health care capacity crisis? Wait 'til you see what Ford has planned.

Despite the current health care capacity crisis, the Ford government plans to cut health care service levels. Hospitals : The news  is bad for hospital services.  The new Financial Accountability Office (FAO)  report   on the government's health care funding plan reports the government plans 3,000 new beds over the next decade.  That’s about an 8.4% increase in nominal capacity.   Measured against need, however, this will mean a sharp decrease in service levels.   The public wants improved service levels, but the opposite is planned. That "increase" won’t come  even   close to covering off increasing demand for services due to population growth, which according to provincial government projections  will be about 15%. The demands on health care will be much more than this, however, due to a rapidly aging population.  Health care needs are very sensitive to age.  People 65 and over use most of our hospital bed days...

Ontario hospital and LTC staffing and capacity plans: worse than you thought

By 2027 the PC health care funding plan falls $21.3 billion short, their hospital bed plan falls 500 beds short, their plan to free up hospital capacity by moving hospital patents to long-term care is unlikely to work, and their nurse and PSW staffing plan will fall 33,000 short according to the Financial Accountability Office ( FAO ).  Important and appalling news. But the human problems are actually much worse. The FAO focuses on measuring the gap between the government's stated plans and the government’s stated aspirations.  The bigger -- and much more important -- problem is that the government aspirations fall so very far short of actual human needs. So, on staffing, the FAO makes no claim that government aspirations are adequate to human need. Indeed, their staffing projections do “not reflect an assessment about the quality of services that should be provided by these programs.” As a result, the FAO estimates the government aims to add 1,000 hospital beds between no...

There's money galore for private clinics -- while the PCs starve health care

Actual provincial program spending is much less than "planned" Provincial Spending was $6.4 billion less than planned over the first 9 months of the fiscal year 2022/3 according to the Financial Accountability Office (FAO). That is 5.0% less than budgeted. After the first half of the year, the FAO had reported that the government had underspent its budget by 4.1% ($3.5 billion).  Health was underspent by $1.25 billion – or 2.3% less than planned. This is an increase from an underspend of $859 million reported by the FAO after the first half of the year.   The news of the $1.25 billion underspend on health comes just as the province scooped up another $776 million from the federal government for health care to deal with urgent health needs like the hospital crisis.  But, instead of dealing with urgent hospital needs, it looks like the province will bank the cheque and underspend the health budget it set last March.      Despite the health underspend...

Revenue is flowing in -- but harder times are ahead for public sector services

Ontario government revenue is way up -- $16.6 billion higher than the forecast in the Budget just six months ago. That’s an average increase of $2.7 billion per month -- or up another 1.5% every month.  Revealingly, the quarterly increases in revenue reported have grown sharply: from a modest $1.2 billion in the first quarter report, to $5.8 billion in the second quarter report, on to a whopping $9.6 billion now in the government's new 3rd quarter report .  Yet the fact that the government was massively underestimating revenue was obvious right from the get go when the Budget was re-introduced in August.   The slow recognition of the extra revenue reduced pressure on the PC government to improve health care funding during a hospital capacity crisis. And not one extra penny was added for hospitals, despite the crisis.   It would be hardly surprising if more revenue is recognized in the final two reports for this fiscal year – the 2023 Budget and the Septembe...

Hospital, long-term care funding cut by the Ford Conservative government

The Financial Accountability Office has released the Ford PC government's funding plans for the various health care sub-sectors .   The news is not good.   The funding plans for 2022/3 in several key line items are down compared to actual funding in 2021/2 :  Funding plans for long-term care services are down $26 million – or down 0.4% compared to last year's actual funding.  Overall funding to the Ministry of Long-Term Care (LTC service funding plus LTC Capital and Development funding) is down $315 million, with the LTC Capital line item down a full $376 million. The LTC Development line item was also completely unspent over the last five quarters. These are mysterious changes when there is a 38,000 person LTC wait list, a desperate shortage of LTC facilities that meet modern design standards, new legislation that forces hospital patients to move into LTC facilities they did not choose, and frequent claims by the government that it is quickly building new...