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Rest of Canada spends 23% more on hospitals than Ontario

Provincial government hospital expenditure per person in Ontario compared to the rest of Canada based on CIHI data. A large gap has grown between what the Ontario provincial government spends on hospitals and what other Canadian provinces spend.  Since 2004/5 the gap has grown from a mere $9.43 per person to $316.50 per person in 2012/13.  Nine years ago, the difference was 1%. Now, t he other provinces and territories  (as a whole)  spend  23% more per person on hospitals than Ontario does.    That is an astonishing difference.  Or at least the size of the difference is astonishing.   But that gap completely fits with the low level of nursing hours per inpatient in Ontario compared to the rest of Canada, the higher number of nursing sensitive "adverse events ", the low level of hospital beds in Ontario , the low level of hospital admissions in  Ontario , and the high level of hospital bed occupancy in Ontario. Ontario has fallen so far behind almost entirely d