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Showing posts with the label fiscal

There's money galore for private clinics -- while the PCs starve health care

Actual provincial program spending is much less than "planned" Provincial Spending was $6.4 billion less than planned over the first 9 months of the fiscal year 2022/3 according to the Financial Accountability Office (FAO). That is 5.0% less than budgeted. After the first half of the year, the FAO had reported that the government had underspent its budget by 4.1% ($3.5 billion).  Health was underspent by $1.25 billion – or 2.3% less than planned. This is an increase from an underspend of $859 million reported by the FAO after the first half of the year.   The news of the $1.25 billion underspend on health comes just as the province scooped up another $776 million from the federal government for health care to deal with urgent health needs like the hospital crisis.  But, instead of dealing with urgent hospital needs, it looks like the province will bank the cheque and underspend the health budget it set last March.      Despite the health underspend, the for-profit clinic

The government has plenty of money to address the healthcare crisis. It just won't

The Ford government re-released its spring Budget this week with a new first quarter fiscal and economic update  providing a little bit more information -- albeit from a government with a track record for wildly inaccurate Budget plans.    The increases in spending announced (e.g. for people with disabilities on a fixed income) are so insignificant in the scheme of things that they can be handled within government contingencies.  Overall program spending is still exactly as planned in April.  Total spending , which also includes the debt expense, is up a modest $105 million due to higher interest rates. As a result, the total spending plan is up by five one hundreths of one percent (0.05%).  They are not even writing down their $1 billion reserve by a few kopeks.  With increased revenues, the deficit is planned to be $1.1 billion lower and the debt to GDP ratio is also planned to be a full percent lower.  Keeping with the new health minister's (preposterous) claim that there is n