Patients in
Britain could see their health care services cut as a result of botched public
private partnership (P3) hospitals.

She added
that ministers were unable to provide MPs with reassurance
that financial problems will not damage the quality of care or access. “The
Department of Health could not explain to us how it will deal with an NHS trust
that goes bankrupt. Nor could it provide reassurance that financial problems
would not damage the quality of care or equality of access to all citizens,
wherever they live.”
At least 22
health care trusts operating 60 hospitals are facing severe problems as a result
of their P3 deals. P3 contracts
guarantee that the P3 consortium are paid first by the National Health Service (NHS) and
the Department of Health has already agreed to pay £1.5
billion ($2.4 billion) to bail out seven health care trusts with specially bad
P3 deals.
The Public Accounts Committee notes:
“A number of trusts in financial difficulty have PFI contracts
with fixed annual charges that are so high the trusts cannot break even. Paying
these charges is one of the first calls on the NHS budget and the Department is
liable for supporting all PFI payments because it underwrites the Deed of
Safeguard given to contractors. It already expects to have to find £1.5 billion
to bail out seven trusts facing problems with PFI repayments over the remaining
life of their contracts - equivalent to £60 million a year. The guarantee
provided by the Deed of Safeguard also gives PFI providers the upper hand in
any attempt by trusts to renegotiate the contracts, which experience suggests
can result in reduced service levels rather than greater efficiency. The
priority given to meeting PFI annual charges inevitably distorts priorities
which is especially worrying at a time when resources are constrained.”
In contrast with
the P3 hospitals, NHS trusts reported an overall surplus of £2.1
billion ($3.36 billion).
in Britain yesterday, the administrator appointed by the government to oversee
one particularly troubled P3 hospital in South London has said
the Department of Health should write off £207 million ($331 million) in debt that the hospital has incurred. The administrator also said the government
should pony up £20 to £25 million ($32 to $40 million) extra per
year to help pay for the hospital’s P3 debts.
pioneered the P3 model. Despite the many disasters with P3s in Britain, Ontario and other Canadian governments continue to invest in them, with little public discussion.
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