Lurking only slightly below the surface in the recent fight over changes to funding for physiotherapy is yet another problem with health care privatization. The government is stopping the ability of 94 physiotherapy clinics to directly bill OHIP. Ontario Health Minister Deb Matthews says that, over the years, licences to provide these services have been bought up by large corporations. Currently, two-thirds of the billing goes to four companies that are, she says, "behind the protests" against her reforms. Moreover, she charges that the " existing 94 clinics have had an unlimited ability to bill the government and have become very creative in they way they bill." By reforming how the money is distributed, the government claimed they will provide physiotherapy, exercising and fall-prevention classes to 218,000 more people, mostly seniors . And they are going to do this while providing less money for physiotherapy than they otherwise would: $16,000,0...
Notes from Leftwords -- Doug Allan